Every client is different, and each deserves to choose the perfect gown that matches their personality and body.  That is why I have a large variety of maternity gowns for my clients to choose from.  Take a look at my collection and let me know what style you are interested in



  • Water and Snack

  • Wear a Nude or Skin Toned supportive strapless bra. No Bandeaus. Check out Soma.

  • Wear bikini cut underwear or thong in Nude or Skin Toned.

  • A Long Robe so you can wear or cover up when changing clothes on location.

  • Arrive to your session wearing clothes that are easy to slip on and off since you will be changing on location.

  • Bring or wear easy to slip on/off shoes, flip flops are ideas or Uggs for the winter. Water shoes are good too if we have a water session planned.

  • Bring the shoes that you want to wear in the photos. I recommend Nude color. Most of the time, shoes aren’t worn unless we add family members.

  • Come with your hair and makeup done. Don’t forget your lipstick for touch up!

  • Have well groomed nails for those close ups.

  • Wear your wedding ring if it fits. Bracelets and other jewelry are nice. Retrain from wearing short necklaces around the neck.


The Claire


  • Sheer

  • Split Front

  • Tossing train

  • Brand is Unknown


The Elia Gown with Matching Stretch Knit Shorts


  • Split Front

  • Brand is Sew Trendy

  • Stretchy shorts are size Medium 


northern virginia va snow session of expecting mother wearing a gown.jpg

The Meredith Gown with the Gold Leaf Stretch Belt


  • Cup Size: A-DD

  • Band Size: M | 36-38

  • No Split

  • Brand is Sew Trendy



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Sub-alpine terrace and astonishing views

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